Supervisor/Lead Driver Level Leadership Training Program (LTP)

Course Duration: 1-2 days every other month in years it is offered

Requirements: Recommended for agency leadership / management

Description: Offered by DRI Consulting, participants will learn supervisory leadership principles and strategies that will increase their effectiveness as first-line supervisors. There will be opportunities to strengthen their skills in the following areas: communication, relating to others, critical thinking, problem solving, and conflict resolution. (Course #4052)

This course is offered on an as-needed basis. If you are interested in taking this course in the future, contact Minnesota RTAP at

Event Venue Date
Supervisor Level Leadership Training Program (LTP) Holiday Inn & Suites Maple Grove NW Mpls-Arbor Lks
  • January 13, 2020 8:00 am
Supervisor/Lead Driver Level Leadership Training Program (LTP) Multiple Locations
  • March 27, 2024 8:00 am

to request a different date or venue for this course — or request a new course entirely.