
FTA Annual Drug and Alcohol Testing Rates

Published on December 2, 2020

The Federal Transit Administration announces the 2021 Calendar Year Annual Drug and Alcohol Random Testing Rates. Every year, FTA is required to publish the random testing rates in a Federal Register Notice (FRN) for public transportation employees subject to the requirements of FTA Drug and Alcohol Testing regulation (49 CFR part 655). The minimum random drug testing rate will remain at 50%, and the random alcohol testing rate will remain at 10%. The FRN highlights the number of employees who had a verified positive test for the use of prohibited drugs, and the number of employees who tested positive for the misuse of alcohol during the reported year. The 2021 rates are effective on January 1, 2021.


The FRN 2021 Prevention of Alcohol Misuse and Prohibited Drug Use in Transit Operations is now available here.



FTA’s Drug and Alcohol Program

FTA’s Drug and Alcohol Newsletters

FTA’s State Safety Oversight (SSO) Program

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