
Register for FTA Transit Asset Management (TAM) Webinar

Published on: April 29, 2021


Join the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) at 1:30 PM CT Tuesday, May 25 for an hour-long webinar, Making the TAM Connection: Capital Planning and Investment Prioritization, to discuss strategies and notable practices for integrating TAM into capital planning efforts and using TAM to inform agency investment prioritization.

Peer presenters include representatives from the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SF MTA) and the Transit Authority of River City (TARC).

Register for the webinar HERE

The webinar will be recorded and made available on the FTA TAM webpage.

If you have any additional questions, or technical problems during the event, please contact the TAM team at


Register for the webinar
Transit Asset Management (TAM) website

to request a different date or venue for this course — or request a new course entirely.