
Safe Streets for All Grant Opportunity Webinars

Published on: April 28, 2022

The U.S. Department of Transportation will host three pre-application informational webinars for potential applicants, including transit agencies, interested in applying for the first round of grants for the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) discretionary grant program.

Established by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the new SS4A discretionary grant program will provide up to $6 billion in grants over the next 5 years to support the development of Comprehensive Safety Action Plans and implementation activities by regional, local, and Tribal grantees. The SS4A program supports Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg’s USDOT-wide National Roadway Safety Strategy and the goal of zero deaths and serious injuries on our nation’s roadways.

The pre-application webinars provide information about the SS4A grant program, eligibility, and requirements, with the next webinar on Monday, May 2, 12:00-2:00 p.m. CT designed for transit agencies and municipalities. The May 3 webinar is designed for Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs).

The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for SS4A grants is not yet posted. The NOFO is anticipated to be released later this spring.

As state DOTs will not be eligible recipients, USDOT encourages municipalities to partner with transit agencies and MPOs to consolidate applications.

Learn more and register for the May 2 webinar (Counties, Cities, Towns, Other Special Districts That Are Subdivisions of a State, and Transit Agencies)
Learn more and register for the May 3 webinar (Metropolitan Planning Organizations)

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