
Statewide Technology Plan RTAP Update

Published on: November 25, 2020

The Statewide Technology Plan is being developed in conjunction with a consulting firm. They have been asked to complete the following tasks:

Technology Maturity Assessment

  • Review current technologies in use and 5 year plans for future goals

Technology Trends and Opportunities

  • Review overall current trends and future opportunities for technology

Industry Peer Review

  • Review systems nationwide to compare transit system size, capacity, and organizational structure in relation to Minnesota Transit Systems.

Technology Goals and Objectives

  • Consultant works with MnDOT and partners to develop future goals and funding priorities for technology across Minnesota

Technology Standards

  • Develop model of standards for technology needs for systems, relating to agency size and organizational structure.
  • Hold a half-day meeting to review findings and show ideas for future technology direction, to be held on multiple days using video conferencing.

Technology Analysis & Systems Growth Plan

  • Work with systems to build a technology plan, system efficiency, and transit growth

Minnesota Rural Public Transit Technology Plan

  • The culmination is a written Statewide Technology Plan

OTAT has not received a formal notice to proceed from MnDOT Consulting Services for the consultant. We think this will happen in June. We have established members for the steering committee. We look forward to a kick off in late June or early July.

This article was published in the RTAP June 2020 newsletter, published by RLS & Associates.

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