
What is TransportationCamp?
TransportationCamp Ithaca 2022 has three objectives:

  • To explore challenges and mobility solutions for small urban and rural communities.
  • To share information about mobility programs, technologies and business models to transform peoples’ mobility choices and community livability.
  • Provide a high-quality T-Camp experience. 

TransportationCamp is an unconference – every session is planned, proposed, and led by attendees like you.  TransportationCamp fosters open conversation and collaboration between people interested in urban and rural mobility amid radical changes in the near future. TransportationCamp welcomes all attendees, whether you’re a mobility operator, mobility manager, planner, technology entrepreneur, academic, MPO staff, student, media, municipal and human service agencies staff, community member, policymaker, or promoter of green mobility.  T-Camp is an opportunity to explore questions, promote new ideas, and network with fellow participants. If you are curious, you should come.

How will a virtual TransportationCamp work?

  • Our professional virtual events team will produce TransportationCamp using Zoom. See how virtual can be engaging & enjoyable. It’s a rare experience.
  • The T-Camp schedule will promote interaction with others throughout the day, and yes there will be breaks between sessions.

Official Schedule & Program of Sessions
Friday, Jan. 21, 2022

Eastern Standard Time (EST) in US

  • 8:15AM EST Pre-Camp Networking & Attendees Prepare & Submit Session Proposals 
  • 8:45AM EST Welcome and Kick Off
  • 9:15AM EST Session 1
  • 10:35AM EST Session 2
  • 11:45AM EST Lunch & Networking
  • 12:50PM EST Session 3
  • 2:10PM EST Session 4
  • 3:30PM EST Wrap-up/Networking/After-party

​First Time at a Transportation Camp?

  • How To TransportationCamp: The folks at MobilityLab took the time to put together a TransportationCamp 101 guide that explains all aspects of the event.
  • Participation Encouraged: You may propose session ideas before or the morning of Camp. Do you have a burning idea, a question to discuss, or a short presentation? Feel free to share.
  • Rule of Two Clicks: Never hesitate to leave a session if you suddenly find it’s not for you, or if there are other sessions that you want to check out, too!

Why is a TransportationCamp in Ithaca, New York?

  • TransportationCamps are nearly always held in the great metropolitan cities of North America. An exception, so far, is Ithaca, New York, a small urbanized area (pop. 55,000) surrounded by rural communities in Tompkins County (pop. 105,740) in Upstate New York.  
  • TransportationCamp Ithaca 2022 is our fifth T-Camp since 2016.
  • So, why Ithaca? In 2011,  Tompkins County staff attended the first T-Camp in the United States – TransportationCamp East (NYC) and subsequent camps in Washington, DC and Boston, MA. T-Camp is an proven proven method for sharing ideas, learning, and networking. We wanted to make T-Camp’s unconference format accessible to  professionals working in small urban and rural mobility, mobility management, use of technologies, and real-world customer service.
  • In the future, we’ll create hybrid in-person/virtual events, to reap the accessibility benefits of both venues, including TransportationCamp Ithaca.

Any questions? Contact Dwight Mengel,

to request a different date or venue for this course — or request a new course entirely.