
Webinar: FTA Competitive Grant Opportunity Encourages Affordable Housing through TOD Planning with New 100% Federal Share (September 14, 2023)

Published on: September 6, 2023

On August 7, 2023, FTA announced $13.4 million in competitive grants are available through the FY23 Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Planning Program.

Recognizing the important connection between accessible transportation and affordable housing, FTA is encouraging TOD in areas where communities are trying to preserve, protect, and increase the supply of affordable housing. This NOFO provides applicants with an opportunity to receive full federal support for projects that focus on affordable housing as one type of substantial deliverable that may result from an applicant’s comprehensive or site-specific planning work. These affordable housing policies may focus on, among other things, reducing regulatory barriers, updating parking standards, and providing strategies to address homelessness. Specifically:

  • “Proposals that address three or more activities related to the development of affordable housing (see section C.3.ii.v of the NOFO) will receive a federal funding share of 100 percent.”

Interested entities may join FTA staff at a webinar on Thursday, September 14, 2023, at 2 p.m., EDT, to discuss the NOFO and how to apply. Staff will discuss requirements for funding, eligibility, and the submission process, as well as the affordable housing opportunity.

Applications are due October 10, 2023.



TOD Program Notice of Funding Opportunity Webinar

Transit Oriented Development

Pilot Program for Transit Oriented Development Planning

Press Release

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