
NOW AVAILABLE: Mitigations for Trespasser and Suicide Fatalities and Injuries Report

Published on: September 18, 2022

FTA recently published the FTA Standards Development Program: Mitigations for Trespasser and Suicide Fatalities and Injuries Report. Based on the National Transit Database, from 2011 through 2019, rail transit agencies reported 804 rail transit fatalities due to suicide or trespassing. This report covers mitigation strategies, existing and emerging technology that can detect and/or prevent rail transit trespassing and suicides, and research findings for mitigations, injuries and fatalities associated with trespassing and suicide events. Rail transit agencies can use this information to help promote rail safety in their systems and communities.

Access this report and other FTA research reports on the FTA website.

FTA Standards Development Program: Mitigations for Trespasser and Suicide Fatalities and Injuries Report
FTA Standards Development Program
FTA Reports and Publications

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